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Dante's Inferno Challenge

Lucifer has recently opened up a new challenge. As most know he has 10 main decks, each based off of a layer of Hell and then finally, Hell's Wrath. He has officially made a public challenge to anyone. The challenge is as follows: Defeat all the layers of Hell with these rules:

1. You must use a different deck for each duel.

2. The duels are 2/3 matches.

3. Disonnection counts as a loss.

4. A misplay which greatly affects the outcome of the game from either side is counted as a forfeit from the person who made the misplay.

5: A loss means you forfeit the challenge, and you will have to start over from the beginning. Your deck uses will be reset and you may try again in 3 days.

6: No Burn

7: No Stall

8: No win condition based decks (exodia, mill, exchange of spirit ftk, chicken game ftk, etc)

9: Both players must acknowledge the other and play fairly.

So far no one has completed the challenge, will you be the first?

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