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Anchor 3

In order to join the clan, you must first have at least 10 games in both matches and singles, have more wins than losses in both categories, and have at least 1.5x as many more wins than you have losses in either one of said categories. Then you will qualify to take the theory exam in which a 70% is needed to pass. Once this is confirmed you will be directed to the deck construction portion and questioned on your process behind the build. Finally it will end with the duel test. Your proctor will tell you if you passed.

We have wars frequently enough with a strict system on how it's ordered. In order to participate must be directed to do so first by the Prince of War, and have proven your skill to the higher ups. The higher your rank is the more wars you will be in. We are currently 20/0 in wars.

There are currently 4 official ranks in the clan with 5 tiers in each. The ranks in order from lowest to highest are as follows;





Each rank also has certain privelages that come with it.

Primus can recruit, Legatus Tier 5 can give other rank tests, and more. 

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